
June 9, 2022
9:30AM - 10:30AM

A Digital Roadmap to Maximizing Plant Performance

Jeremy Osterberger, President, BIC Alliance

Floral B

As the oil & gas market continues down the path toward Industry 4.0, there is much that leaders and managers can learn from each other. BIC Magazine’s panel of downstream plant experts shared their best practices for the digital transformation of maintenance and operations for safer, more efficient and more reliable facilities. The presenters gave insights on how to develop a digital strategy, get management buy-in, break down traditional silos, and improve asset reliability, along with recent case studies. Site and department managers, digital leaders, and implementation managers discussed some of these ideas during their roundtable which included Digitizing Work Management Processes,  Achieving real-time decision making, enhanced productivity, flexibility and agility,  Improving communication and collaboration between Maintenance and Operations, Facilitating environmental compliance, Standardizing permitting and digitizing Lock Out-Tag Out to mitigate safety risks, Extending the life cycle of assets and using AI to increase pipeline input of crude stock and the production and output of finished product. 

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