
June 3, 2024
11:00AM - 12:00PM

A Systems Perspective for Navigating the Complexities of Sustainability

Dr. Rachel Meidl, Rice University

Room: Floral A1

Sustainability is multifaceted and touches every part of the value chain in our complex global system. The notion of sustainability is appealing because it has been presented as a win-win situation. However, success requires a means to measure the costs and benefits across life cycles to ensure presumed “solutions” do not shift risks and offset social, economic, or environmental gains. The challenging issues faced by society today require a holistic, cross-disciplinary, and multidimensional approach to achieve environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable solutions. Global energy production, resource demands, supply chain constraints, geopolitics, heightened environmental and social concerns, and the growing plastic waste crisis have spurred an increased focus on sustainable strategies.

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